Keep Luna County Beautiful releases winners of Recycled Art Show

DEMING – Keep Luna County Beautiful and the Deming Art Council have grown in marriage with two goals in mind.
1. Bring art and culture to the communities of Deming, Columbus and Luna County.
2. Organize and execute beautification projects in Luna County in conjunction with the state-wide “Toss No Mas” campaign.
The Deming Art Council has provided a vehicle over the years for the KLCB program to showcase art work created by using recycled materials. In November, the DAC presents the KLCB Recycled Art Show at the Deming Art Center located at 100 S. Gold Street.
The center exhibits the art entries throughout the month of November and each artist must use 90 percent of recycled materials when creating each piece. Each artist can enter as many as three pieces of artwork and the show is judged by a panel of KLCB members.
Prizes are awarded by KLCB and the winners for the 2021 exhibit have been announced.
Artist Lisa Riley was a big winner by sweeping her age division’s top three place and capturing the Best of Show Award.
Riley’s pieces, “Stella Parrot” and “Queen Curly,” each finished with the top number of votes in the Best of Show.
In the 13-and-under division, Haley Lanning was first with “Bird Watching.” Nadia Griffin placed second with “Nadia Griffin Robot.” Landon Lanning came in third place with “Can’t Loupe.”
In the 18 to 55 division, Riley made a clean sweep of the awards. Riley’s “Queen Curly” was first, “Stella Parrot” was second and “Mr. Flor” took third-place honors.
In the Senior Division (55 and over), Michael Colson was first with “Methuselah.” Barbara Besser placed second with “Cosmic Star.” Marci Colson finished third with “The Key to Happiness.”
There were no entries in the 13-to-18 age division this year.
The Recycled Show is among our more popular and creative shows of the year,” said Marilyn Goble of the DAC. “We manage to get entries from our mainstream artists, but the show also caters to the occasional artists in Luna County. It is interesting to see the different pieces each year and a big thank you to the Keep Luna County Beautiful people.”
KLCB saw the potential for promoting its agenda through the collaboration with the DAC. KLCB is Luna County government’s department for beautification and trash pick-up within the county lines.
KLCB also sponsors major clean-up events like the Great American Clean-up, Community Yard Sale and the Paint the Town trash barrel painting contest.
Bill Armendariz can be reached at 575-546-2611 (leave a message) or [email protected].