Offering tree services to new customers: What landscaping businesses need to think about

Offering tree services to new customers: What landscaping businesses need to think about

Since 2014, the landscaping scene has grown a minimum of five percent each year. It is a growing industry that doesn’t seem to be slowing down anytime soon. Business is business, and without the proper strategies in place, you cannot effectively target your audience.

Growing a landscaping business takes tons of physical labor and mental work. When it comes to offering your tree business to new customers, here are some important aspects that you need to keep in mind.

Offering tree services to new customers: What landscaping businesses need to think about

Get Listed on the Proper Platforms

In the technological era of the 21st century, online marketing platforms are the foundation on which any business can succeed. Digital and social media are vitally important if you want any business to survive. The first step is listing the business on Google. It allows prospective customers to find your tree services easily.

If you can afford to include search engine optimization, then your business will be one of the names listed at the top. It means that people won’t have to scroll multiple Google pages to find you, and you are likely to get business from someone that has never even heard of your services. Ensure that you use the correct phone number and physical address and that your business information includes all the pertinent services that you offer.

Purchase the Right Insurance

All businesses need a variety of insurance policies, and for tree services, there is specific insurance that you need to invest in. Trees can cause damage to cars and other buildings if there is falling debris. Some trees may even need to be cut down if they pose a major risk to a customer’s property. Tree insurance covers your business in the event that there is an accident involving your client, employees, or your business premises.

Before you offer your tree services to new customers, consider a tailored tree service insurance plan for your business. This type of insurance will cover you for any property damage or medical bills resulting from accidents related to your tree cutting services. In addition, these plans cover a variety of legal bills which is necessary if any accidents do occur on a customer’s property.

Referrals Are Your Most Important Asset

For many businesses, word of mouth is incredibly important. People want to see results, and when you produce good work, they will refer your business. Equally important to know is that any bad word of mouth will also have a major impact. In saying so, your customer services skills need to be impeccable, as well as the quality of services that you can offer.

Let your work speak for itself. Each time a customer gives you a good review, post it as a testimonial to your website or social media pages. Offer clients a discount on the 10th session if they successfully refer you to a friend or other business. Referrals are the most cost-effective way to get the right kind of attention for your business. It costs next to nothing and is the best marketing approach to take for a landscaping business.

Take the Jobs Nobody Wants

A great way to advertise your tree services is to take on the tough tasks that no one else wants. Perhaps there is a particularly large tree in amongst other buildings, which could cause major damage if the tree isn’t cut right. There are plenty of opportunities to take on big landscaping jobs that other tree services don’t have the right tools for. Places that won’t take these kinds of jobs are usually concerned about health and safety, but with the right business policies and rules in place, you can minimize any risk to your customers and staff.

It will take a small initial investment to get the tools and staff that can perform the job. Once you have everything in place, it opens up doorways to other private customers that may have more than a few trees that need to be cut down. This is a recurring business that will be yours for the taking.

There are countless more ways that you can market your landscaping business for new customers, and these few tips are just to get you started. Remember, landscaping is big business, and with the right approach, tools, and employees, you can make a lasting impression on customers that will bring in more business.