Fixing an Old Home: 3 Issues You Might Face
Older properties have many advantages over modern homes, as they tend to be unique, sturdy, and full of character. Despite its beauty and charm, an older property may have many problems you’d be wise to resolve to protect its structure, comfort, and value.
If you are fixing up an old home, you must learn about the possible problems that might be lurking inside a property to make the appropriate repairs. Here are three issues you might face when renovating an older property.
1. Termite Damage
A termite infestation is most homeowners’ worst nightmare. The unwanted pests can cause severe damage to any and all wood or wood-like components in a property, including its structural supports, flooring, and drywall.
Unfortunately, termites are a major problem in the southern half of the United States. For instance, Texas has the highest termite concentration due to its humid, moist climate. The older a property is, the more likely it has an active termite infestation or compromised drywall or foundations from termite damage.
If it doesn’t have a termite infestation, prevent it from developing by removing any loose wood inside or near your property, such as stacked firewood, building materials, or mulch. Also, stop rainwater from pooling against or near the property’s foundation by installing a surface draining system.
If your home does have a termite infestation, you must take immediate action by calling a dependable pest control service. For example, Gulf Coast Exterminators has provided affordable and highly effective Richmond Texas pest control services for over 20 years.
2. Plumbing Problems
Old homes may equal old plumbing systems. If you’re lucky, a historical property may feature copper or brass pipes, which are hardwearing and last an average of 50 years or more. Yet, steel pipes might have worn out within 20 years or less.
Many US homes built between the 1970s to 1990s have flexible pipes created from polybutylene. Unfortunately, these pipes are easily corroded when in contact with chlorine, which is commonly featured in household cleaners like bleach.
A pipe failure will likely lead to flooding and major water damage to the walls and flooring. As a result, the property will become uninhabitable and you may need to spend tens of thousands of dollars on repairs, which might be covered by your homeowner’s insurance.
If you’re worried about the longevity of a property’s pipes, it is cheaper to replace them than to deal with an expensive repair following a failure.
3. Structural and Foundation Issues
Despite being solidly built many decades ago, a property will naturally succumb to structural and foundation issues throughout its life, such as dry rot, significant cracks, corrosion, damaged piers, moisture damage in its above-ground studs, or sloping floors.
Common signs of structural and foundation problems may include doors that fail to close, stuck windows, visible zig-zag cracks, cracked concrete or tile floors, and off-level flooring.
It is essential to call a structural engineer if you spot any signs of structural or foundation issues in an old home. A medium-sized repair may cost a couple of hundred dollars to resolve. Yet, more serious issues may reach $10,000 or more, depending on the problem. For instance, replacing an entire foundation may cost at least $20,000.