Growing Bermuda Grass: Learn About Bermuda Grass Care
The Spaniards brought Bermuda grass to America in the 1500s from Africa. This attractive dense grass, also known as “Southern Grass,” is an adaptable warm-season grass that many people use for their lawns. It is also found in meadows, athletic fields, golf courses, parks and more.
Let’s learn together more about how and when is the right time to plant Bermuda grass.
Information about Growing Bermuda Grass
Bermuda grass is a cold-tolerant, winter grass that will grow as far north as Virginia. In the warmer tropics, Bermuda grass will stay green all year round. In other areas that drop below 60 degrees F., it will become dormant.
Ideal growing areas for Bermuda grass include United States Department of Agriculture zones 7 through 10. How to plant Bermuda grass is easy as long as you are diligent in giving fertilizer, watering enough water and having the right conditions.
When to Plant Bermuda Grass
The best time to plant Bermuda grass is in the spring once temperatures are consistently warm; this is generally April or March in warmer areas.
How to Grow Bermuda Grass
Bermuda is not particularly picky about soil type and will even tolerate salt spray, making it a good choice for coastal areas. Bermuda grass does well in full sun but will tolerate some shade. And don’t forget to fertilize with Bermuda grass fertilizer, water regularly and cut the grass when it’s 2 inches to keep it healthy and thrive.
At one point in time, Bermuda was grown only from the ground or stalks but is now widely available in seed form. For best and perfect results, use 1 pound of hulled Bermuda grass per 1000 square feet for planting. This grass sprouts quickly and is very difficult to remove once it starts growing.
Start by sweeping the area to be seeded until it’s as smooth as possible. Make a mixture of sand and seeds in equal parts. Seeds can be broadcast using a spreader or by hand for smaller areas. To avoid spikes in the yard, divide half of the mixture lengthwise and half of the mixture crosswise.
Bermuda Grass Care
Bermuda grass care is not difficult. Daily watering is all that is needed when the grass is starting to form. Once the grass is established, the frequency of watering can be reduced, but the amount of water per watering session is increased. The grass will need an inch per week if there is no significant rainfall.
Once the grass has reached 2 inches, it can be trimmed with a sharp knife or lawn shears. Mowing will help the grass harden and spread.
Fertilize six weeks after planting with a good Bermuda grass fertilizer for the growth of your Bermuda grass. Apply pre-emergence weed control in the fall.